
Some useful information for your trip

Here's all the information you need for your trip.
Please do not contact us by phone: due to the Covid-19 emergency, waiting times may be very lengthy.
Thank you in advance for understanding.


Has your trip been cancelled or are you unable to leave?
If your trip has been cancelled, access our reserved area and ask for the refund through the dedicated Request Assistance form, remembering to select the "ASSISTANCE CONCERNING THE CORONAVIRUS" box.

Here's how you will be refunded.

As an intermediary in the sale of the tourism service you have purchased, as well as in accordance with the Italian law which regulates the Coronavirus emergency (Art 88-bis of Cura Italia Decree, art 182  l.conv._17 July 2020 n. 77 and Law 21 May 2021 N. 69 conversion of DL 41 – transfer and extension of the voucher ex art 88-bis), the refund will be made by providing a Voucher,valid for 12 months from delivery, that you can use for your next trip.
In some cases, airline policies do not allow us to provide refunds via Vouchers. In that case we will offer alternative solutions or you will be redirected to the airline.
Please remember that costs related to the purchase of accessory services such as - by way of example and not limited to – an insurance policy or ancillary guarantees are not refundable.
We reserve the right to withhold appropriate operating expenses up to a maximum of €55.00, as required by the mandate relationship established between intermediary agency and the end customer (Articles 1719 and 1720 cc).
We apologize for the wait: we are experiencing a huge workload in emergency circumstances; the emergency regulations also impose restrictions on staff in the workplace and establish activities in smart working mode, causing further delays in responding to requests.

Do you want to cancel your trip?
We are well aware that this emergency has affected the travel plans of thousands of our customers who are unable to travel.
Access our reserved area and ask for the cancellation through the dedicated Request Assistance form, remembering to select the ASSISTANCE CONCERNING THE CORONAVIRUS box.

Here's how you will be refunded.
According to the Italian law which regulates the Coronavirus emergency Art 88-bis of Cura Italia Decree, art 182  l.conv._17 July 2020 n. 77 and Law 21 May 2021 N. 69 conversion of DL 41 – transfer and extension of the voucher ex art 88-bis), the refund will be made by providing a Voucher that you can use for your next trip.
In some cases, airline policies do not allow us to provide refunds via Vouchers. In that case we will offer alternative solutions or you will be redirected to the airline.
Please remember that costs related to the purchase of accessory services such as - by way of example and not limited to – an insurance policy or ancillary guarantees are not refundable.
We reserve the right to withhold appropriate operating expenses up to a maximum of €55.00 (ex Articles 1719, 1720 cc)).
Remember: If your trip has NOT been restricted by Covid19 emergency regulations, the normal cancellation rules set out in the Terms and Conditions may apply.
We apologize for the wait: we are experiencing a huge workload in emergency circumstances; the emergency regulations also impose restrictions on staff in the workplace and establish activities in smart working mode, causing further delays in responding to requests. <


PLEASE NOTE: If you have received a communication regarding your file via Email, please carefully follow the instructions you have been given. If you haven't received the email, but you have an active Hotel file, check your spam folder as well.

Has your reservation been cancelled or do you want to cancel your file?
If your file has been cancelled or you are unable to leave because of Covid-19, access our reserved area and ask for the refund through the dedicated Request Assistance form, remembering to enter COVID-19 as the reason.
Upon receipt of the request, we will open negotiations with the provider of the purchased service who will assess the applicability of the request.

Here's how you will be refunded.

According to the Italian law which regulates the Coronavirus emergency (Art 88-bis of Cura Italia Decree, art 182  l.conv._17 July 2020 n. 77 and Law 21 May 2021 N. 69 conversion of DL 41 – transfer and extension of the voucher ex art 88-bis) we have chosen to give you two possibilities:
  1. Full refund with single Nominative Voucher (in the name of the file holder), valid for 18 months
  2. Financial reimbursement, which will be made in the same way as you paid for the booking, net of management costs

All additional services, warranties and insurance policies will not be refunded.

Remember: If your trip has NOT been restricted by Covid19 emergency regulations, the normal cancellation rules set out in the Terms and Conditions may apply.

We apologize for the wait: we are experiencing a huge workload in emergency circumstances; the emergency regulations also impose restrictions on staff in the workplace and establish activities in smart working mode, causing further delays in responding to requests.

Thank you again for your patience at such a difficult time.  

Updated on: 29/09/2021

Do you need assistance?

Through this form you can get in touch with one of our operators who will respond as soon as possible.
Please note: if you have made a reservation, use this form only for the recovery of the Reservation Number, Email, Telephone Pin. All other requests must be made through My Bookings

Please enter below the email where you would like to be contacted.

Would you like to make a Report?

Through this form you will be able to report illegal content such as unlawful incitement to hatred or unlawful terrorist content and discriminatory content, or content that the applicable regulations make unlawful in view of the fact that it relates to illegal activities. To submit reports, requests for clarifications and information for reporting under Regulation (EU) 2022_2065, please complete the following form:
In the space below, please provide a sufficiently reasoned explanation of why you believe that the information in question constitutes illegal content, giving a clear indication of the exact electronic location of such information, such as the exact URL address(es) and, if necessary, additional information enabling the illegal content to be identified appropriate to the type of content and the specific type of information storage service, and finally confirm your good faith belief in the accuracy and completeness of the information and statements contained therein.
EMAIL: in this space please enter your e-mail address. We will send you, without undue delay, an acknowledgement of receipt of the report and following this notification we will also notify you of the decision regarding the information to which the report relates and provide you with information on the available avenues of redress in relation to that decision.

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Enter the PNR (loltravel order no.) and email used to make the reservation:
    By logging in you will be able to:
  • View the status of your reservation
  • View details of your reservation
  • Download your tickets
  • Request dedicated assistance